Visual Cultures Studies: History of Art & Visual Culture

Visual & Performing Arts, BA
Program Delivery
On Campus, Online, Hybrid
Total Credits
120 Credits

About the Program

The History of Art & Visual Culture program at UCCS emphasizes local and regional museum collections focusing on Native American, Hispanic, Spanish Colonial, modern, and contemporary art. Coursework is augmented with visits to local and regional collections. Additional electives cover art from around the world (Pacific Rim, African, African American, Western European, and ancient art), feminist art, and the history of photography. 

This undergraduate degree program is designed for students interested in pursuing graduate education in art history or the history of visual culture, teaching art or art history, or working in the art field in galleries, art consignments, auction houses, museums, or similar organizations.

Focus of Study

The undergraduate History of Art & Visual Culture program gives students a broad overview of the history of art, including theory and methods, non-Western and Western art, and art from multiple time periods.

Additional VAPA and cross-disciplinary requirements give a broad background in the visual and performing arts, while upper-division electives permit students to focus on a particular region, theoretical approach, or aspect of art history.

Program Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Visual and Performing Arts - History of Art & Visual Culture requires the following:

  • A minimum of 60 credit hours of VAPA coursework (45 hours of HAVC coursework, 15 hours of VAPA coursework). At least 33 of those hours must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 or higher)
  • 2.0 UCCS cumulative GPA and a grade of C or better in every course applied toward the major

NOTE: All VAPA - History of Art and Visual Culture majors must meet with the department’s Program Director each semester for academic advising. Please email the Program Director for details.

For details on degree requirements, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Program Coursework

Department Core

9 Credit Hours

  • Any VAPA 1000-level course (3 credit hours)
  • Any two VAPA 3000-level courses (6 credit hours)

Program Core

15 Credit Hours

  • AH 1000 - Art Through the Ages
  • AH 1001 - Global Visual Culture: 1300 to the Present
  • AH 1500 - Introduction to Visual Culture
  • AH 3980 - Art History: Theory and Methods (Fall Semester Only)
  • AH 4980 - Senior Capstone in Art History (Spring Semester Only)

2000-level Electives

9 Credit Hours

  • Complete any three 2000-level electives in History of Art & Visual Culture

Upper-division Electives

Time Period

6 Credit Hours

Complete one course each from two of the following time periods:

  • Ancient: AH 3240
  • Medieval: AH 3790
  • Early Modern: AH 3250, 3840, 4810, 4820, 4830, 4890
  • Modern and Contemporary: AH 3010, 3260, 3270, 3280, 3330, 3860, 4900, 4910, 4920

Note: AH 3850 may fulfill a time period elective depending on the topic. Program Director approval is required prior to taking the course.

Upper-division Electives

Areas Outside of Western Traditions of Europe and the US

6 Credit Hours

Complete one course each from two of the following areas:

  • Art of Africa and the African Diaspora: AH 3430
  • Asian Art: 3210, 3450, 4470
  • Middle Eastern and Islamic Art: AH 3460
  • Indigenous Arts of the Americas: AH 4450

Note: AH 3000 may fulfill an area elective depending on the topic. Program Director approval is required prior to taking the course.

Upper-division Electives


9 Credit Hours

  • Complete 9 additional hours of UNUSED upper-division (3000+ level) AH electives per student interest.

Visual Art Elective

3 Credit Hours

  • Complete 3 hours of VA coursework from the list below, or any 3000+ level VA course for which you have the prerequisites: VA 1010, 1020, 1040, 2100, 2110, 2130

Cross-disciplinary Elective

3 Credit Hours

  • Complete 3 hours of 2000-level or higher cross-disciplinary course work from other VAPA areas: DNCE, FILM, MSGP, MUS, THTR or VA.

For details on program coursework, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Admission Details

To learn more about admission requirements and the application process, please visit the UCCS Admissions page.

Additional resources for Admissions:

Start Your Application