Explore the faculty directory by programs. Administration Administration Glen Whitehead, D.M.A. Chair and Professor of Music, Visual and Performing Arts; LAS Co-Director, Bachelor of Innovation™ 719-255-4155 gwhitehe@uccs.edu ECFA 254 Pamela Chaddon, B.A Finance & HR Professional (719)-255-4065 pchaddon@uccs.edu COLU 2003 Film Studies Faculty Members Nadine Boljkovac, Ph.D. Assistant Professor/Interim Director, Film Studies nboljkov@uccs.edu COLU 1018 Sean Forrest, M.A. Co-Director and Assistant Teaching Professor, Film Studies 719-255-4052 sforrest@uccs.edu Fernando Feliu-Moggi, Ph.D. Professor, Spanish (Latin American, Spanish, Italian Film) 719-255-3537 ffeliumo@uccs.edu Dwire 247c Teresa Meadows, Ph.D. (Emerita) Associate Professor Emeritus, Film Studies and Theatre tmeadows@uccs.edu History of Art & Visual Culture Faculty Members Kristen Galvin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor kgalvin@uccs.edu COLU 2007 Amy Anderson, Ph.D. Lecturer aanders3@uccs.edu Julie Cole, M.A. Lecturer jcole4@uccs.edu Stacy Platt, M.F.A. Teaching Professor 719.255.8123 splatt@uccs.edu COLU 2001 Michaela Steen, M.A. Coordinator, Visual Resource Center 719-255-4062 msteen2@uccs.edu COLU 2012 Suzanne MacAulay, Ph.D. Professor Emerita smacaula@uccs.edu Museum Studies & Gallery Practice Faculty Members Karin Larkin, Ph.D. Director, Museum Studies & Gallery Practice 719-255-3124 klarkin@uccs.edu Leah Davis-Witherow, M.A. Lecturer, Museum Studies & Gallery Practice ldavis2@uccs.edu Rhonda Goodman-Gaghan, MA Lecturer/Internship Supervisor and Curator, Heller Center for the Arts & Humanities rgoodman@uccs.edu Email for Availability Meg Poole-Yevara, MA Lecturer and Program Coordinator, Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum mpoole3@uccs.edu Email for Availability Music Solveig Olsen, M.M. Teaching Professor | Music Program Co-Director 719-255-5144 solsen@uccs.edu ECFA 251 Yiheng Yvonne Wu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor | Music Program Co-Director ywu@uccs.edu ECFA 252 Colin McAllister, DMA Associate Professor | Director of Humanities 719-255-5134 cmcallis@uccs.edu ECFA 255 Glen Whitehead, D.M.A. Chair and Professor of Music, Visual and Performing Arts; LAS Co-Director, Bachelor of Innovation™ 719-255-4155 gwhitehe@uccs.edu ECFA 254 Jon Forshee, Ph.D. Assistant Teaching Professor - Music Technology jforshee@uccs.edu Shazia Ali, M.M. Lecturer sali2@uccs.edu Jeff Cloutier Lecturer jcloutie@uccs.edu Timothy Davis Lecturer - Jazz Piano b_waine@yahoo.com Erick Eckstrom Lecturer - Percussion eeckstro@gmail.com Janet Feder Lecturer - Guitar jfeder@uccs.edu Sarah Ford, M.M. Lecturer - Horn sarahgjford@gmail.com Sarah Groh, M.M. Lecturer - Voice sgroh@uccs.edu Jonathan Hays Lecturer - Voice jhays2@uccs.edu Tim Hoffman Lecturer - Tuba tim@nexusbrass.org Jenna Hunt Lecturer - Harp jennamhuntmusic@gmail.com Amy Kolb Lecturer - Oboe amygoeserkolb@gmail.com Andrew Kolb Lecturer - Cello akolb@uccs.edu William Malone, M.M. Lecturer - Saxophone wmalone@uccs.edu Kelly McSweeney Zuercher, M.M. Lecturer - Piano kzuerche@uccs.edu Martha Muehleisen, M.M. Lecturer mmorris4@uccs.edu Marc Neihof Lecturer - Bass bassnstein@gmail.com John Rot, D.M.A. Lecturer - Composition jrot@uccs.edu Élise Roy Lecturer - Flute eroy2@uccs.edu JJ Sechan Lecturer - Bassoon jsechan@gmail.com Ricky Sweum, M.M. Lecturer - Jazz Saxophone rsweum@uccs.edu Jeremy Van Hoy Lecturer - Trombone jvanhoy@uccs.edu Sergei Vassiliev, M.M. Lecturer - Clarinet sergei.vassiliev@gmail.com Scott Walton, D.M.A. Lecturer swalton@uccs.edu Theatre & Dance Faculty Members Kevin Landis, Ph.D., M.F.A. Director & Professor 719-255-5133 klandis@uccs.edu Max Shulman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Theatre 719-255-5240 mshulman@uccs.edu Rosely Conz, M.F.A. Assistant Professor of Dance rconz@uccs.edu Birgitta De Pree Assistant Professor of Theatre bdepree@uccs.edu ECFA 236 Tiffany Tinsley Weeks Teaching Professor ttinsley@uccs.edu Mickey Burdick, M.B.A. Technical Director mburdic2@uccs.edu Solveig Olsen, M.M. Teaching Professor | Music Program Co-Director 719-255-5144 solsen@uccs.edu ECFA 251 Prentiss Benjamin Lecturer pbenjami@uccs.edu Pheobe Boynton, M.F.A. Lecturer 719-255-3813 pboynton@uccs.edu Ron Jules Lecturer rjules@uccs.edu Scott Levy, M.A. Lecturer slevy2@uccs.edu Caitlin Lowans, M.F.A. Artistic Director, Theatreworks 719-255-3959 clowans@uccs.edu Cheri Orr Lecturer corr@uccs.edu Tom Paradise Lecturer tparadi2@uccs.edu Robert Rais Lecturer rrais@uccs.edu Mary Ripper Baker Lecturer 719-310-2395 maryripper@hotmail.com Visual Art Faculty Members Matt Barton, M.F.A. Professor & Co-Director 719.255.5975 (voicemail only) mbarton@uccs.edu COLU 1014 Ben Kinsley, M.F.A. Associate Professor & Co-Director 719.255.4973 bkinsley@uccs.edu COLU 2005 Corey Drieth, M.F.A. Professor 719.255.4052 cdrieth@uccs.edu COLU 2009 Claire Rau, M.F.A. Teaching Professor crau@uccs.edu COLU 1014 Nikki Pike, M.F.A. Teaching Professor 719.255.8121 npike@uccs.edu COLU 1001 Stacy Platt, M.F.A. Teaching Professor 719.255.8123 splatt@uccs.edu COLU 2001 Marina Eckler, M.F.A. Associate Teaching Professor 719-255-8121 meckler@uccs.edu COLU 1003 Nathaniel Klein, M.F.A. Assistant Teaching Professor nklein3@uccs.edu COLU 1007 Nick Henning, M.F.A. Technician and Lecturer nhenning@uccs.edu COLU 1014 Vlad Benedetti, B.F.A. Lecturer (719) 255-3880 bbenedet@uccs.edu COLU 2014
Administration Administration Glen Whitehead, D.M.A. Chair and Professor of Music, Visual and Performing Arts; LAS Co-Director, Bachelor of Innovation™ 719-255-4155 gwhitehe@uccs.edu ECFA 254 Pamela Chaddon, B.A Finance & HR Professional (719)-255-4065 pchaddon@uccs.edu COLU 2003
Glen Whitehead, D.M.A. Chair and Professor of Music, Visual and Performing Arts; LAS Co-Director, Bachelor of Innovation™ 719-255-4155 gwhitehe@uccs.edu ECFA 254
Film Studies Faculty Members Nadine Boljkovac, Ph.D. Assistant Professor/Interim Director, Film Studies nboljkov@uccs.edu COLU 1018 Sean Forrest, M.A. Co-Director and Assistant Teaching Professor, Film Studies 719-255-4052 sforrest@uccs.edu Fernando Feliu-Moggi, Ph.D. Professor, Spanish (Latin American, Spanish, Italian Film) 719-255-3537 ffeliumo@uccs.edu Dwire 247c Teresa Meadows, Ph.D. (Emerita) Associate Professor Emeritus, Film Studies and Theatre tmeadows@uccs.edu
Nadine Boljkovac, Ph.D. Assistant Professor/Interim Director, Film Studies nboljkov@uccs.edu COLU 1018
Sean Forrest, M.A. Co-Director and Assistant Teaching Professor, Film Studies 719-255-4052 sforrest@uccs.edu
Fernando Feliu-Moggi, Ph.D. Professor, Spanish (Latin American, Spanish, Italian Film) 719-255-3537 ffeliumo@uccs.edu Dwire 247c
Teresa Meadows, Ph.D. (Emerita) Associate Professor Emeritus, Film Studies and Theatre tmeadows@uccs.edu
History of Art & Visual Culture Faculty Members Kristen Galvin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor kgalvin@uccs.edu COLU 2007 Amy Anderson, Ph.D. Lecturer aanders3@uccs.edu Julie Cole, M.A. Lecturer jcole4@uccs.edu Stacy Platt, M.F.A. Teaching Professor 719.255.8123 splatt@uccs.edu COLU 2001 Michaela Steen, M.A. Coordinator, Visual Resource Center 719-255-4062 msteen2@uccs.edu COLU 2012 Suzanne MacAulay, Ph.D. Professor Emerita smacaula@uccs.edu
Museum Studies & Gallery Practice Faculty Members Karin Larkin, Ph.D. Director, Museum Studies & Gallery Practice 719-255-3124 klarkin@uccs.edu Leah Davis-Witherow, M.A. Lecturer, Museum Studies & Gallery Practice ldavis2@uccs.edu Rhonda Goodman-Gaghan, MA Lecturer/Internship Supervisor and Curator, Heller Center for the Arts & Humanities rgoodman@uccs.edu Email for Availability Meg Poole-Yevara, MA Lecturer and Program Coordinator, Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum mpoole3@uccs.edu Email for Availability
Rhonda Goodman-Gaghan, MA Lecturer/Internship Supervisor and Curator, Heller Center for the Arts & Humanities rgoodman@uccs.edu Email for Availability
Meg Poole-Yevara, MA Lecturer and Program Coordinator, Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum mpoole3@uccs.edu Email for Availability
Music Solveig Olsen, M.M. Teaching Professor | Music Program Co-Director 719-255-5144 solsen@uccs.edu ECFA 251 Yiheng Yvonne Wu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor | Music Program Co-Director ywu@uccs.edu ECFA 252 Colin McAllister, DMA Associate Professor | Director of Humanities 719-255-5134 cmcallis@uccs.edu ECFA 255 Glen Whitehead, D.M.A. Chair and Professor of Music, Visual and Performing Arts; LAS Co-Director, Bachelor of Innovation™ 719-255-4155 gwhitehe@uccs.edu ECFA 254 Jon Forshee, Ph.D. Assistant Teaching Professor - Music Technology jforshee@uccs.edu Shazia Ali, M.M. Lecturer sali2@uccs.edu Jeff Cloutier Lecturer jcloutie@uccs.edu Timothy Davis Lecturer - Jazz Piano b_waine@yahoo.com Erick Eckstrom Lecturer - Percussion eeckstro@gmail.com Janet Feder Lecturer - Guitar jfeder@uccs.edu Sarah Ford, M.M. Lecturer - Horn sarahgjford@gmail.com Sarah Groh, M.M. Lecturer - Voice sgroh@uccs.edu Jonathan Hays Lecturer - Voice jhays2@uccs.edu Tim Hoffman Lecturer - Tuba tim@nexusbrass.org Jenna Hunt Lecturer - Harp jennamhuntmusic@gmail.com Amy Kolb Lecturer - Oboe amygoeserkolb@gmail.com Andrew Kolb Lecturer - Cello akolb@uccs.edu William Malone, M.M. Lecturer - Saxophone wmalone@uccs.edu Kelly McSweeney Zuercher, M.M. Lecturer - Piano kzuerche@uccs.edu Martha Muehleisen, M.M. Lecturer mmorris4@uccs.edu Marc Neihof Lecturer - Bass bassnstein@gmail.com John Rot, D.M.A. Lecturer - Composition jrot@uccs.edu Élise Roy Lecturer - Flute eroy2@uccs.edu JJ Sechan Lecturer - Bassoon jsechan@gmail.com Ricky Sweum, M.M. Lecturer - Jazz Saxophone rsweum@uccs.edu Jeremy Van Hoy Lecturer - Trombone jvanhoy@uccs.edu Sergei Vassiliev, M.M. Lecturer - Clarinet sergei.vassiliev@gmail.com Scott Walton, D.M.A. Lecturer swalton@uccs.edu
Solveig Olsen, M.M. Teaching Professor | Music Program Co-Director 719-255-5144 solsen@uccs.edu ECFA 251
Colin McAllister, DMA Associate Professor | Director of Humanities 719-255-5134 cmcallis@uccs.edu ECFA 255
Glen Whitehead, D.M.A. Chair and Professor of Music, Visual and Performing Arts; LAS Co-Director, Bachelor of Innovation™ 719-255-4155 gwhitehe@uccs.edu ECFA 254
Theatre & Dance Faculty Members Kevin Landis, Ph.D., M.F.A. Director & Professor 719-255-5133 klandis@uccs.edu Max Shulman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Theatre 719-255-5240 mshulman@uccs.edu Rosely Conz, M.F.A. Assistant Professor of Dance rconz@uccs.edu Birgitta De Pree Assistant Professor of Theatre bdepree@uccs.edu ECFA 236 Tiffany Tinsley Weeks Teaching Professor ttinsley@uccs.edu Mickey Burdick, M.B.A. Technical Director mburdic2@uccs.edu Solveig Olsen, M.M. Teaching Professor | Music Program Co-Director 719-255-5144 solsen@uccs.edu ECFA 251 Prentiss Benjamin Lecturer pbenjami@uccs.edu Pheobe Boynton, M.F.A. Lecturer 719-255-3813 pboynton@uccs.edu Ron Jules Lecturer rjules@uccs.edu Scott Levy, M.A. Lecturer slevy2@uccs.edu Caitlin Lowans, M.F.A. Artistic Director, Theatreworks 719-255-3959 clowans@uccs.edu Cheri Orr Lecturer corr@uccs.edu Tom Paradise Lecturer tparadi2@uccs.edu Robert Rais Lecturer rrais@uccs.edu Mary Ripper Baker Lecturer 719-310-2395 maryripper@hotmail.com
Solveig Olsen, M.M. Teaching Professor | Music Program Co-Director 719-255-5144 solsen@uccs.edu ECFA 251
Visual Art Faculty Members Matt Barton, M.F.A. Professor & Co-Director 719.255.5975 (voicemail only) mbarton@uccs.edu COLU 1014 Ben Kinsley, M.F.A. Associate Professor & Co-Director 719.255.4973 bkinsley@uccs.edu COLU 2005 Corey Drieth, M.F.A. Professor 719.255.4052 cdrieth@uccs.edu COLU 2009 Claire Rau, M.F.A. Teaching Professor crau@uccs.edu COLU 1014 Nikki Pike, M.F.A. Teaching Professor 719.255.8121 npike@uccs.edu COLU 1001 Stacy Platt, M.F.A. Teaching Professor 719.255.8123 splatt@uccs.edu COLU 2001 Marina Eckler, M.F.A. Associate Teaching Professor 719-255-8121 meckler@uccs.edu COLU 1003 Nathaniel Klein, M.F.A. Assistant Teaching Professor nklein3@uccs.edu COLU 1007 Nick Henning, M.F.A. Technician and Lecturer nhenning@uccs.edu COLU 1014 Vlad Benedetti, B.F.A. Lecturer (719) 255-3880 bbenedet@uccs.edu COLU 2014