As a feminist cinema and screen studies teacher-scholar, Nadine Boljkovac stresses affective, ethical-political potentials of moving images and modern art.
Since October 1 2022, Nadine Boljkovac has been an advanced tenure-track Assistant Professor in Film Studies at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Until August 2022, she was a non- tenure-track Assistant Professor of Audiovisual Cultures & the Moving Image in the Institute for Media & Cultural Studies, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, and Guest Lecturer and Affiliated Fellow at the University of Cologne. After obtaining her PhD from the University of Cambridge (Department of French, Newnham College), Boljkovac held postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Edinburgh (Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities), Brown University (Pembroke Center for Teaching & Research on Women), and the University of New South Wales (Centre for Modernism Studies in Australia). From 2016-19, she was a Senior Lecturer (permanent Associate Professor) in Film at Falmouth University (UK), before moving to the University of Cologne in 2019, where she was a 2018-19 Research Fellow at the Morphomata International Center for Advanced Studies (Käte Hamburger Center for Excellence), and an August-October 2018 Parsons New School for Design Visiting Fellow (Center for Transformative Media). Prior to her PhD, Boljkovac was a University of Aberdeen Predoctoral Film Teaching Fellow.
Nadine is co-editor (with Nicholas Rombes) of Bloomsbury Publishing's book series, Timecodes: Movies Minute by Minute. She has two monographs in progress: Little Women (2019): Minute by Minute (2024, Bloomsbury), and Herself: Feminist Ecocinema and Moving Image Portraiture. Nadine's first monograph examining affect and ethics, suffering and survival via Chris Marker and Alain Resnais, Untimely Affects: Gilles Deleuze and and Ethics of Cinema (Edinburgh University Press, 2013), was re-issued in paperback in 2015. A transdisciplinary book collection - inspired by the spatial and visual concept of a triptych as expressed in practice and philosophy - is also in progress (co-edited with Hanjo Berressem).
- PhD, Film-Philosophy, University of Cambridge (Department of French; Newnham College), 2010. Doctoral awards included choice of Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada Government ($105,000, declined) or International Scholarship ($80,000)
- MA, Theoretical, Critical, Historical Film and Media Studies, York University Canada, 2004. George Vari Graduate Award in Film & Video Recipient ($2,500)
- Honors BA, Cinema Studies and English Literature, University of Toronto, 2002. Norman Jewison Fellowship in Film Studies Recipient ($10,000)
Academic Fields / Research & Practice Interests
- film, screen & media cultures; theory and history of analogue & digital moving images
- feminist portraiture (vis-à-vis perception, temporality, subjectivity, ethics, ecocinema)
- contemporary continental philosophy; modern socio-political thought
- screen affect studies and transnational trauma, memory and gender studies
- sexuality studies (esp. bi and pansexuality)
- film and disability studies (esp. the biomedicalization of mental health)
Courses Taught
Lower Division
- FILM 1000 – Introduction to Film Studies
- FILM 2000 – Narrative Film
Upper Division
- FILM 3900/VAPA 3900 – Feminist Ecocinema (Special Topics in Film Studies)
- FILM 3900 – Political Cinema (Special Topics in Film Studies)
- FILM 3900 – Disability and Cinema (Special Topics in Film Studies)
Selected Awards, Recognitions & Fellowships
- University of Cologne, Morphomata International Center for Advanced Studies (Käte Hamburger Center for Excellence), Research Fellow of the ‘Biography/Life Writing and Portraiture as Figurations of the Particular’ Theme, 2018-19 (monthly maximum stipend 5,800€ plus teaching replacement; one of ten recipients, 80+ applicants)
- University of New South Wales, Centre for Modernism Studies in Australia, Postdoctoral Fellowship of Visual Culture & the Moving Image, 2015-17 (Level B / $97,090 + p.a. Australian)
- Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA) Travel Awards, 2012 and 2013 ($400 US)
- Brown University, Pembroke Center, Carol G. Lederer Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2012-13 ($50,000 US; one of three recipients, 200+ international applicants)
- University of Edinburgh, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2010 (£4,000)
- University of Cambridge, Research and Travel Award, 2007 (£634)
- University of Cambridge, Newnham College, Martland Fund/Research and Travel Award, 2006 (£750)
- Society for Cinema and Media Studies Student Travel Grant (one of ten recipients, 135 international applicants), 2005 ($300 US)
- University of Cambridge, Newnham College, Croasdale Fund, 2005
- University of Cambridge, Newnham College, Marion Kennedy Continuing Research Studentship (one of two recipients), 2005 (£500)
- University of Cambridge, Cambridge European Trust Long Vacation Scholarship, 2005 (£250)
- University of Cambridge, Newnham College, Gamble Fund/Research and Travel Award, 2005 (£750)
- University of Cambridge and Universities UK, Overseas Research Studentship Award Scheme Scholarship (one of 130+ nationwide recipients, 1,400 Cambridge University nominees), 2005 (£5,366 per annum X3)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Award for international study, 2005 ($80,000 Canadian)
- (declined) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Canadian Government Scholarship for Canadian study, 2005 ($105,000 Canadian)
- University of Cambridge, Overseas and Commonwealth Trusts, Commonwealth Trust Bursary, 2004 (£4,000 per annum X4)
- (declined) University of Warwick, North American Postgraduate Award, additional European Cinema PhD Program funding (one of four North American recipients), 2004 (£3,500)
- York University Canada, Graduate Program in Film and Video, George Vari Graduate Award in Film and Video (sole recipient), 2003 ($2,500 Canadian)
- York University Canada, Graduate Student Teaching Assistantship.
- University of Toronto, Cinema Studies, Innis College, Norman Jewison Annual Fellowship in Film Studies (sole recipient), 2002 ($10,000 Canadian)
Recent Peer-Reviewed Works
- The Sustainable Legacy of Agnès Varda: Feminist Practice and Pedagogy (2022, Bloomsbury)
- Camera Obscura (May 2021, #106, Duke University Press)
- Revisiting Style in Literary and Cultural Studies (Peter Lang, 2020)
- Studies in European Cinema (2019)
- “Materialising Absence in Film and Media” (co-edited with Saige Walton for Screening the Past, 2018)
- The Anthem Handbook of Screen Theory (2018)
Peer-reviewed works also appear in Understanding Deleuze, Understanding Modernism; Deleuze Studies (“Schizoanalysis and Visual Culture”); Open Letter: A Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory (“Remembering Barbara Godard”); Anamnesia: Private and Public Memory in Modern French Culture; and Gilles Deleuze: Image and Text.