Shannon Pritchard, PhD

Shannon Pritchard, Ph.D.

Co-Director, Visual Cultures & Assistant Teaching Professor History of Art & Visual Culture
COLU 2014
COLU 2014

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Pritchard’s research focuses on sculpture and painting from the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries in Italy, with special attention to the life and careers of Giambologna and Caravaggio. Her interests focus on the effects of the Counter-Reformation on artistic production and patronage, the paragone debate that emerged in the sixteenth century, and Caravaggio’s painting practices, including his use of prints. Current research centers around Caravaggio’s representation of age and illness, as well as his self-portraits, and the international reach and influence of Giambologna in the aristocratic courts of Europe.


  • Ph.D. in Art History, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
  • M.A. in Art History, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
  • B.A. in Art History, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Courses Taught

Lower Division

  • AH 1000 Art Through the Ages
  • AH 1001 Global Visual Culture: 1300 to Present

Upper Division

  • AH 3000 Topics in Art History: Aristocratic Courts of the Italian Renaissance
  • AH 3840 Baroque Art of Europe
  • AH 3980 Theories and Methodologies of Art History