Museum Studies & Gallery Practice Course Descriptions
2000 Level Courses
MSGP 2000 | Introduction to Museum Studies and Gallery Management | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) | Introduces students to the basic principles and methods of museum and gallery work. Explores the origin and history of museums, their role in society, and the core museum functions of collection, preservation, education and exhibition. |
4000 Level Courses
MSGP 4030 | Museum Studies and Gallery Management: Internship | 1 Credit (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum) | Supervised opportunities for students in museum studies and gallery management to apply relevant knowledge and skills in professional situations. Prer., MSGP 2000 or consent of instructor. |
MSGP 4040 | Gallery Management I | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) | Seminar and practical hands-on experience in administration, fundraising, curatorial selection, publicity, and installation of contemporary exhibits. Organization and research of programs at the gallery for contemporary art will be the focus of activities in addition to case studies and evaluation of pertinent off-campus exhibits. Prer., MSGP 2000 or consent of instructor. |
MSGP 4050 | Gallery Management II | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) |
Continuation of MSGP 4040 with emphasis on development of concepts of gallery management and exhibition organization. Prer., MSGP 2000 or consent of instructor. |
MSGP 4060 | Exhibit Design and Development | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) | Introduces general principles of planning, development, production, and evaluation of museum and gallery exhibits. Students will have the opportunity to do exhibit mockups and exhibit evaluation. The team approach is emphasized. Prer., MSGP 2000 or consent of instructor. |
MSGP 4070 | Collections Management | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) |
Deals specifically with curation and data management. Covers the principles and methods regarding acquisition, documentation, conservation, and accessibility of collections. Also discussed: Laws, registration methods, computerization, policy development, ethics, and preventative conservation. Prer., MSGP 2000 or consent of instructor. |
MSGP 4080 | Museum and Gallery Education | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) | Comprehensive introduction to museum and gallery education and skill development. Examines informal education, learning theories, interactive education, exhibits and programs. Principles and methods of evaluation will also be covered. Prer., MSGP 2000 or consent of instructor. |
MSGP 4090 | Museum Administration | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) | Covers theory of organizations and how it applies to museums, application of small business management and nonprofit organization to museums, marketing and development, and grant-writing and funding strategies. Prer., MSGP 2000 or consent of instructor. |
MSGP 4100 | Native American Perspectives on Museums | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) | Explores the history of the museum enterprise vis-a-vis Native Americans: development of museum collections; poetics and politics of representation; the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA); and the reinterpretation of museology from indigenous perspectives, looking especially at the National Museum of the American Indian. Approved for LAS Social Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Society, Health and Behavior, Explore- Arts, Humanities, and Cultures, Inclusiveness, and Writing Intensive. Prer., Junior or Senior standing. Meets with WEST 4100. |
MSGP 4200 | Special Topics in Museum Studies and Gallery Management | 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) |
Intensive study of selected topics in Museum Studies and Gallery Management. Prer., MSGP 2000 or consent of instructor. |
MSGP 9400 | Independent Study in Museum Studies and Gallery Management | 1 Credit (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) |
Independent study in museum studies and gallery management to be arranged with director. |
MSGP 9499 | Independent Study - Research and Creative Works | 1 Credit (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) |
Provides an opportunity to conduct research with faculty by one or more students on topics determined by a faculty member. Prer., Consent of instructor required. |