
Visual & Performing Arts, BA
Program Delivery
On Campus
Total Credits
120 Credits

About the Program

The undergraduate Visual and Performing Arts with a focus on Dance provides students with a strong foundation in dance theory, history, and performance.


Focus of Study

The Dance option's required courses follow a specific sequence to give students a foundation in dance theory and history, and the chance to apply those theories in performance. Students can choose electives based on their interests to further specialize in their studies.

Throughout the year, the Theatre and Dance Program hosts various performances choreographed by both students and faculty. There are also opportunities for students to participate in productions by Theatreworks, the regional repertory company at UCCS, and other professional dance or theatre groups. It is important for students to note that dance courses, particularly those focused on practice, should be taken in order.


Program Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Visual and Performing Arts - Dance Option requires the following:

  • A minimum of 60 credit hours of VAPA coursework. At least 33 of those hours must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 or higher).
  • A minimum of 9 hours of VAPA Core 1000- and 3000-level courses.
  • 3 hours of cross-disciplinary courses in HAVC, FILM, MSGP, MUS, or VA.
  • A grade of C or better in courses applied to the major.

For details on degree requirements, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Program Coursework

Department Core

9 Credit Hours

  • Any VAPA 1000-level course (3 credit hours)
    Note: VAPA 1100 is highly recommended.
  • Any two VAPA 3000-level courses (6 credit hours).

Dance Core

48 Credit Hours

Complete all of the following courses:

  • DNCE 1000 - Dance Appreciation: From Ballet to Beyoncé
  • DNCE 2700 - Fundamentals of Dance Technique
  • THTR 2000 - Introduction to Technical Theatre
  • THTR 2020 - Acting Workshop I
  • DNCE 3201 - Topics in Early Dance History
  • DNCE 3202 - Topics in Contemporary Dance History:
  • DNCE 4700 - Dance Composition I
  • DNCE 4710 - Dance Composition 2

Practicum Experience

5 Credit Hours

Complete 5 credit hours of Practicum courses, in 5 productions, to include at least 1 credit hour of each of the following sections:

  • DNCE 3390 - Dance Performance Practicum
  • DNCE 3391 - Dance Technical Practicum
  • DNCE 3392 - Dance Choreography Practicum
  • DNCE 4393 - Dance Capstone


18 Credit Hours

Complete 18 hours of DNCE and/or THTR electives.

At least 12 hours must be upper-division (3000+) DNCE electives from the list below.

The remaining 6 hours may be from any unused DNCE or THTR courses.

  • DNCE 3700 - Special Topics in Dance Technique
  • DNCE 3720 - Advanced Modern Dance
  • DNCE 3730 - Jazz Dance Technique
  • DNCE 3750 - Tap Dance
  • DNCE 3760 - Hip Hop
  • DNCE 3800 - Contemporary Styles: Jazz, Lyrical, and Modern Dance
  • DNCE 4900 - Spec Tpcs in Music and Dance

Cross-Disciplinary Electives

3 Credit Hours

Complete 3 credit hours of 2000-level or higher coursework from other VAPA areas:

  • Film Studies
  • History of Art & Visual Culture
  • Museum Studies & Gallery Practice
  • Music
  • Visual Art

For details on program coursework, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Admission Details

To learn more about admission requirements and the application process, please visit the UCCS Admissions page.

Additional resources for Admissions:

Start Your Application