Visual Art

Bachelor of Arts
Program Delivery
On Campus
Total Credits
120 Credits

About the Visual Art Program

The undergraduate Visual Art degree program gives students a deep foundation in techniques and history of the visual arts, followed by specialized coursework affording opportunities to develop a professional portfolio in the medium or media of their choice and to exhibit their work during the final year of the BA.

Focus of Study

Students receive a foundation in theory and practice of visual arts techniques, complemented by coursework in the history of visual art.

Upper-division coursework includes both electives and a professionalization core, and the capstone seminar culminates in a Senior Art Show at the downtown Gallery of Contemporary Art.

Program Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Visual Art requires the following:

  • A minimum of 60 credit hours of VAPA coursework (42 hours of VA coursework, 9 hours of HAVC coursework, 9 hours of VAPA coursework). At least 33 of those hours must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 or higher)
  • A minimum of 9 hours of VAPA Core 1000- and 3000-level courses
  • 2.0 UCCS cumulative GPA and a grade of C or better in every course applied toward the major
  • Residency: Last 30 credit hours of degree must be completed while registered in the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences at UCCS

For details on degree requirements, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Program Coursework

Department Core

9 Credit Hours

  • Any VAPA 1000-level course (3 credit hours)
    Note: VAPA 1100 is highly recommended.
  • Any two VAPA 3000-level courses (6 credit hours).

Visual Art Core

12 Credit Hours

  • VA 1010 - 2D Foundations
  • VA 1020 - 3D Foundations
  • VA 1030 - Digital Foundations
  • VA 1040 - Drawing Foundations

History of Art & Visual Culture Core

3 Credit Hours

  • HAVC 1001 - Global Visual Culture: 1300-Present

Visual Art 2000-level Electives

9 Credit Hours

  • Complete any three 2000-level electives in Visual Art

Visual Art Upper-division Electives

15 Credit Hours

  • Complete any 5 upper-division (3000+ level) electives in Visual Art

History of Art & Visual Culture Upper-division Electives

3 Credit Hours

  • Complete one upper-division (3000+ level) elective from History of Art & Visual Culture

Professionalization Core/Capstone

9 Credit Hours

  • HAVC 3860 Contemporary Art (Spring only; may be taken after completion of HAVC 1001 or in the junior year concurrently with VA 3980)
  • VA 3980 Seminar in Studio Problems (must be taken with HAVC 3860)
  • VA 4980 Professional Seminar

For details on program coursework, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Admission Details

To learn more about admission requirements and the application process, please visit the UCCS Admissions page.

Additional resources for Admissions:

Start Your Application