Visual Art Course Descriptions

1000 Level Courses

VA 1000 2D Foundations 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) A hands-on course exploring the essential concepts used in the creation of two-dimensional art, including composition and color theories. Prerequisite to all 2000, 3000 and 4000 level VA courses. Approved for LAS Humanities area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures.
VA 1020 3D Foundations 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) A hands-on course in fundamental three-dimensional concepts and processes, exploring form, space, materials, and construction techniques. Prerequisite to all 2000, 3000 and 4000 level VA courses. Approved for LAS Humanities area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures.
VA 1030 Digital Foundations 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Introduction to digital media and the electronic art studio. Explores essential concepts of working digitally in 2D, 3D, and 4D. Emphasis is on technical fluency with a variety of digital platforms, software, and tools including digital photography, digital imaging, sound, and moving image. Prerequisite to all 2000, 3000 and 4000 level VA courses.
VA 1040 Drawing Foundations 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Explores fundamental drawing principles such as mark making, light, value, space, and composition. Emphasis is on conceptual development through a perceptual drawing approach to a variety of subject matter, including still life, landscape, and the human figure. Prerequisite to all 2000, 3000, and 4000 level VA courses. Approved for LAS Humanities area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures.

2000 Level Courses

VA 2000 Special Topics 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) A thematically based exploration of various approaches, processes and hybrid practices across a broad spectrum of the visual arts. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040, or permission of instructor.
VA 2010 Intermediate Drawing 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Expands upon the understanding of the fundamental drawing principles introduced in VA 1040. Significant emphasis is placed on conceptual development through both perceptual and experimental drawing processes. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040 or instructor permission.
VA 2020 Printmaking 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Introduction to selected printmaking techniques, including silkscreen, Xerox, intaglio, and etching. Specific content will be determined by instructor. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040 or permission of instructor.
VA 2080 Intermediate Sculpture 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) A continuation of the technical and conceptual skills developed in VA 1020. A broad range of sculptural concerns are explored including assemblage, sound, motion, and site-specific works. Emphasis is on the process of idea development, experimentation with various media and techniques, merging concept and form, and the amalgamation of multiple disciplines. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040 or instructor permission.
VA 2100 Digital Art & Design 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Expands upon the technical and conceptual principles introduced in VA 1030. This course explores techniques of non-photographic Digital Imaging, and the use of the computer as both medium and tool in digital art & design production. Students will work with a range of software, hardware, and tools with an emphasis on graphic design principles and physical outputs. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040, or instructor permission.
VA 2110 Introduction to Photography 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) An overview of photography with an introduction to fine art techniques and concepts. Students will learn basic black and white film development and darkroom skills.
VA 2120 Introduction to Artists’ Books 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Students will explore various methods of book construction, including use of several media for page/cover design, as well as book-binding fundamentals. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040 or instructor permission. Meets with VA 3120.
VA 2130 Beginning Painting 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Explores fundamental painting principles such as color, composition, space, and surface quality. Emphasis is on conceptual development through a perceptual approach to a wide range of subjects including still life, portraits, and landscapes. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040 or permission of instructor.
VA 2150 Beginning Digital Photography 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Explores digital photography from the camera to the processes used for computer-based prints and digital media. Addresses historical, theoretical, formal, conceptual, technical aspects of digital photo along with digital cameras and darkroom, and image output.
VA 2222 Special Topics at the Bemis School of Art 1 Credit (Minimum) 1 Credit (Maximum) Various media approaches and processes across a broad spectrum of the visual arts. Specific content will be determined by the instructor. Taught at the Bemis School of Art.

3000 Level Courses

VA 3000 Special Topics Advanced 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) A thematically based advanced exploration of various approaches, processes and hybrid practices across a broad spectrum of the visual arts as an interdisciplinary practice. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040, or permission of instructor.
VA 3010 Advanced Drawing 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Investigates a variety of traditional and experimental drawing media and processes to create a personal, passionate, and culturally pertinent body of artwork. Special emphasis is placed on helping students develop a critical understanding of both the work they produce and the larger role of drawing in contemporary art and culture. Req., VA 2010 or VA 3150 or permission of instructor.
VA 3020 Advanced Printmaking 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Emphasis will be placed on the sculptural aspects of the book as an art object, including experimentation with a variety of media and formats. May meet with VA 2120 or VA 4120. Prer., VA 2120.
VA 3080 Advanced Sculpture 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Continuation of VA 2080, with an emphasis on development of student's personal visual language. Covers digital processes as applied to sculptural works, installation and site specificity, with an open approach of experimentation and risk taking. The objective is to establish individualized studio practices that will continue into the post-academic stages of students' artistic practices.
VA 3100 Intermediate Topics in Digital Media 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

An exploration of digital and electronic media as the primary tool for refining an individual approach to art-making. This class is structured to address the integration, expansion, and deepening of a conceptual reference point. Prer., VA 2100 or permission of instructor.

VA 3110 Intermediate Photography 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) In this upper level photography course, the emphasis will be upon learning advanced analog and/or digital techniques, more in-depth investigations of the history and practices of contemporary and emerging photographers, and developing a studio practice that calls for a more conceptually sophisticated approach and execution than what students were exposed to in Intro to Photography. In addition to improving technical facility with the medium, students will learn to explore issues relevant to contemporary conversations in photography, and to work with an improved critical and visual literacy enabling them to identify and work within their own personal vision.
VA 3120 Intermediate Artists’ Books 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Emphasis will be placed on the sculptural aspects of the book as an art object, including experimentation with a variety of media and formats. May meet with VA 2120 or VA 4120. Prer., VA 2120.
VA 3130 Intermediate Painting 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Expands upon the fundamental principles of painting begun in VA 2130. Emphasis is on conceptual development through the continued use of perceptual art-making approaches, as well as the use of experimental processes and alternative media and formats. Prer., VA 2130 or permission of instructor.
VA 3150 Investigations in Contemporary Painting and Drawing 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Through the thematic development of their creative work, students will examine the form, content, and context of contemporary painting and drawing practice. Subjects examined include the historical intersection of these fields and the importance of developing a personal, passionate, and pertinent expressive language. Prer., VA 2010 or VA 3130.
VA 3160 Alternative Photographic Processes 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Learn the fundamentals of silver and non-silver alternative photographic processes. Explore the creative possibilities of a variety of experimental and historic processes through non-observational photography. Study historic and contemporary artists. Prer., VA 2110 or permission of instructor.
VA 3200 Video Art 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Create videos through a variety of conceptual and stylistic approaches including: appropriation, installation, stop motion animation, narrative, documentary and abstraction. Explore the history of video from its inception in the 1960's through contemporary practices. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040, or permission of instructor.
VA 3300 Animation 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) This studio course is an historical, aesthetic, and technical introduction to digital 2D animation concepts, processes, and techniques. Emphasis will be on experimental approaches over conventional narrative. Students will gain proficiency in the techniques of two-dimensional animation (frame-by-frame, rotoscoping, vector-based animation) and demonstrate competency in producing animation with a variety of tools. Prer., VA 1010, VA 1020, VA 1030, VA 1040, or permission of instructor.
VA 3980 Seminar in Studio Problems 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Required visual arts course emphasizing the thematic development, articulation of content, and consideration of processes necessary to complete a body of work reflecting personal expressiveness. Req., Junior level standing in Visual Art or permission of instructor. Concurrent enrollment with AH 3860 is required.

4000 Level Courses

VA 4030 Internship in Visual Arts 1 Credit (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Supervised opportunities for advanced studio students to apply relevant concepts and skills in professional situations. Pass/Fail only. Prer., Permission of advisor.
VA 4100 Advanced Topics in Digital Media 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Emphasizes the articulation of a personal aesthetic, independent project development, and advanced expertise in a wide range of digital and electronic media. Prer., VA 2100, VA 3200.
VA 4110 Advanced Photography 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Exploration of advanced concepts and techniques dealing with the development and execution of a long-term photographic project. Prer., VA 3110 or permission of instructor.
VA 4120 Advanced Artists’ Books 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Intended for students with previous experience in the book arts. Emphasis will be placed on sculptural mixed media aspects of book construction and on unique personal expression in the book format. Prer., VA 3120.
VA 4130 Advanced Painting 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Utilizes a variety of painting media and processes to create a personal, passionate, and culturally relevant artistic language. Special emphasis is placed on helping students develop a critical understanding of both the work they produce and the larger role of painting in contemporary art and culture. Req., VA 3130 or VA 3150 or permission of instructor.
VA 4980 Professional Seminar 3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) A required course for visual art majors. Preparation for a professional art practice including portfolios, resumes, marketing and gallery representation, contracts, artist statements, grants, exhibition organization, legal liabilities and obligations, and graduate school applications. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Capstone Experience. Req., VA 3980 and AH 3860 or permission of instructor.
VA 9400 Independent Study in Visual Art 1 Credit (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum) Independent Study in Visual Arts undergraduate. May be taken in any media with any full-time professor for up to 4 credit hours, by arrangement.