Course Descriptions Course Descriptions THTR 1000 - Introduction to Theatre THTR 2000 - Introduction to Technical Theatre THTR 2010 - Stagecraft Laboratory THTR 2020 - Acting Workshop I THTR 2030 - Acting Workshop II THTR 2040 - Voice and Articulation I THTR 2050 - Improvisational Theatre THTR 2060 - Music Theatre Performance and Practice THTR 2600 - Theatre for Children THTR 2700 - Fundamentals of Dance Technique THTR 2900 - Special Topics in Theatre THTR 3020 - Advanced Acting Studio I THTR 3030 - Advanced Acting Studio II THTR 3040 - Voice and Articulation II THTR 3050 - Stage Combat THTR 3060 - Advanced Musical Theatre: Performance and Practice THTR 3100 - On-Camera Performance THTR 3110 - Auditions and the Business of the Theatre THTR 3201 - Topics in Early Theatre History THTR 3202 - Topics in Modern Theatre History THTR 3230 - What’s Funny? The Nature and Form of Dramatic Comedy THTR 3240 - Women in Theatre THTR 3390 - Theatre Practicum: Acting THTR 3391 - Theatre Practicum: Technical THTR 3392 - Theatre Practicum: Directing/Stage Management THTR 3400 - Shakespeare in Production THTR 3510 - Stage Management THTR 3520 - Costume Design THTR 3530 - Theatre Make-up: Design THTR 3540 - Properties and Set Dressing THTR 3550 - Lighting for Theatre THTR 3560 - Theatre Set Design THTR 3590 - Advanced Topics in Technical Theatre THTR 3600 - The World of the Play THTR 3700 - Special Topics in Dance THTR 3900 - Special Topics in World Theater THTR 3960 - Nationalism, Romanticism, and Melodrama THTR 3970 - The Nordic Legacy THTR 3980 - The Manifestoes of the Avant-Garde THTR 4000 - Internship in Theatre THTR 4060 - Directing I THTR 4070 - Directing II THTR 4200 - Special Topics in Dramatic Literature THTR 4400 - Culminating Directing Project THTR 4980 - Theatre Capstone: Advanced Theatre Production THTR 9400 - Independent Study in Theatre